Friday, September 25, 2009

Old vs. New

”Old Media were once New” - Media consumption habits are quickly changing. Most technologies described today as "New Media" are digital and networkable. The use of digital computers has transformed the “old” media into digital television and online publications. Internet replaces the "one-to-many" model of traditional mass communication with the possibility of a "many-to-many" web of communication. The use of Internet news sites, Blogs, or Social Networks is the most widely used form of media lately, where Blogs and Social Networks are considered the fastest growers during the past few years. The usage of old media is declining since Books, Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine and Journalism are being transformed into new forms such as: eBooks, Wikis, Blogs, Pandora, podcasts, You Tube.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Research Project: THE POWER OF SOCIAL CAPITAL - Values That Social Networks Add To/Take Away From Our Real Lives.

Social networking has become increasingly popular component of our lives nowadays. It brings every kind of social group together in one place and let them co-operate, get information and gain knowledge. Individuals and professionals commonly use it to benefit in many different areas/disciplines of life.
As opposed to physical capital, social capital is the measure of our connections with others. Social networking has some positive and negative effects on society. For Example: Social networking sites like :" Facebook" offers the opportunity to create a positive self-image and connect with people with similar interests and goals. On the other hand, professional networking site like " Linked In", builds credibility and give us an advantage in the job market. In conclusion, social networking is easy, fast and fascinating way of communicating; However, we need to examine some of the disadvantages of social networking such as lack of anonymity or invasion of privacy.

What is New Media?

New Media Technologies include any digital, computerized or networked information and communications. Examples of New Media include: eBooks, Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Social Networking, mobile devices, Internet, electronic games and more. There are five critical characteristics of the new media technologies: communication, collaboration, community, creativity, and convergence. Interactive digital media, such us Internet, are replacing old media such as print and television. Randall Stross explains expansion of New Media as "less text, more videos, less reading and more watching , online or offline." Due to online and digital ways of receiving information, content with mass appeal is provided and everyone is a potential consumer and provider so the interaction is two-way.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome to my New Media Blog!!!!